Client Transformation – Sheldon

Client Transformation - Sheldon

Sheldon’s dedication to giving the 12 week nutrition program a go was great news after his awesome wife Andrea purchased a gift certificate for his 40th birthday gift!  I knew the changes not only physical but an overall lifestyle change would be important for Sheldon!

Over the duration of the program he has really asked questions, sought my advice for traveling and work events, checked in every week, held himself accountable and learnt new habits and behaviors in order to adapt this healthier way of eating, training and living.  I see that smile and sparkle as he is not only looking better but feeling better, sleeping better, has more energy and is working hard during his workouts!  He truly is fueling his body to perform better on a daily basis, and that makes me a PROUD coach!

Here is  Sheldon’s testimony:

I’ve been working with Jaime for a year now. AndOfor the first 6 months I noticed my strength increasing, my sleep improving, just generally feeling better overall. I was hooked! But things weren’t “changing” as fast as I had hoped for. I wanted more weight loss. I wanted more muscle. I thought being 40 years old had limited me to where I was.

I began Jamie’s nutrition program a week after my 40th. I was shocked by the huge amount of food she had asked me to eat! It took me a couple of days to get in the groove of this new way of eating. But I quickly began to notice a difference again. The areas where I thought I had plateaued actually started to improve again! It was working!

Throughout the 12 week program, I would say to Jaime, “ I get it. I don’t expect to see changes after this. It’s just a 12 week course on diet improvement.” I was only half right. She assured me I would get results. She guided me towards smart choices and how to avoid pitfalls. My pics speak for themselves. I see the changes. I feel the changes. I’m now squatting 225 lbs X 8-10 reps. Sumo squats with 100 lbs DB, 3 X 12-15 reps. I feel like a teenager when I’m at the gym!

Thanks, Jaime. You’ve helped me regain strength and youth. You’ve helped me show my kids that a healthy lifestyle is a happy lifestyle. These past 12 weeks were only the first 12 weeks.

Week 1, Week 5 & Week 9 Progress

9 week progress pic

Sheldon’s total transformation:  Week 1 to Week 12

Sheldon 12 weeks progress


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  Foundation Fitness


