Believe and you CAN achieve. Arnold is successful in several areas of his life by the principles and basic foundations he lives by. A great quote below demonstrates the inner power and mindset to CONQUER all your dreams and goals!
Positive Thinking – Is your glass half full?
We are all guilty of thinking negatively (glass half empty) about ourselves, others, life, and so on. If you sit back and take a few moments each day, embrace yourself and reflect on all the POSITIVE things in your life.
Now don’t get me wrong, there are ups and downs, speed bumps, road blocks, etc, as such is life but the way we handle ourselves during these situations can either be negative or POSITIVE.
5 Popular Diets Reviewed
Throughout my years of working out, training and being involved in several competitions, the only nutrition program that truly works is a balanced, healthy lifestyle that is consistently geared around YOUR own plan and goals. Not every plan is the same for everyone. Therefore, work hard, stay focused and be consistent. Hard work and Results will come with patience and persistance. As they say “Rome was not built in one day” , so neither will your desired physique.
Protein Pancakes
Here are some ideas for a good healthy breakfast. The whole family enjoys pancakes, so why not make them fresh and from scratch, ensuring you know the ingredients added.
Try and Enjoy!
Chocolate Chip Protein Pancakes, Banana Walnut Cinnamon Protein Pancakes and Blueberry Lemon Protein Pancakes.
HIIT Training – Elliptical Trainer
HIIT workouts take less time than traditional cardio workouts and provide the same, if not greater, results. Benefits of HIIT workouts include:
-Raising your metabolic rate so you can burn more calories during exercise and at rest
-Increased aerobic and anaerobic pathways, which helps you utilize and intake more oxygen during steady state training and helps you sustain anaerobic activity for longer periods of time
-Ability to break through training plateaus
-Greater EPOC (excess post-exercise oxygen consumption), which translates into higher and longer calorie burning after exercise has stopped
Sugar Shock – Experts say it’s time to tame that Sweet tooth!
Being an ACE certified trainer, provides me with excellent information on new studies, research and findings in health today. This article is a great one to read as our society has higher obesity rates than previous years.
Take the time, read and see how you can make a difference in YOUR life and in your families. Moderation is key.
Knowledge is wealth and so is your health!
My Journey to the Stage.
Transformations of any sort do not happen overnight. All to often people seek the quick, fast, and easy way to get results. The only true way to get RESULTS is with hard work, dedication and perseverence!
In my journey to the stage once again, I am currently working on Week 8. Not quite half way there yet but every change and progress makes a difference along the way. I would not have it any other way, and after all it’s all about improving myself and being better than I was at the last show.
Pumpkin Pancakes Recipe
During my training program, I have been enjoying pure pumpkin. It’s a great source of fibrous carbohydrates for any meal plan. Add a dash of cinnamon and stevia to it, and it’s a delicous snack!
Pumpkin Pancakes
Perfect pre and post workoutsnack
Make a large amount and put a few servings in the freezer
5 Common Weight-loss Mistakes
Sure, you feel like you’ve got an edge on weight loss by cutting an entire meal’s worth of calories from your day. However, this backfires. Research shows that people who skip meals, particularly breakfast, are more likely to be overweight. In fact, they typically end up so overly hungry at their next meal that they can’t make a rationale decision to choose a healthy option—and what’s more, they give themselves the license to eat more than they should, justifying the extra because they ate less earlier in the day.
Welcome to the official website and home of Foundation Fitness!
Spring Session #1 is under way and week 1 is almost complete for the Ladies and Men’s Group Classes.
Group Training is a great way to incorporate strength training and cardiovascular training at an affordable price. It also allows you to be motivated to work in a group setting and push yourself to progress each week with the guidance of a personal trainer.